Phyto RESP

(Natural Poultry Feed Supplement for Maintaining Normal Respiratory Function)

CRD due to bacterial & viral infections in Poultry is very common & may happen in any stage of the bird’s life cycle. In bacterial infections, antibiotics are the major treatment but they do not cover secondary problems like excessive cough, respiratory distress, mucous formation, loss of weight & low feed consumption.

COFKAM PFS is an ideal remedy for CRD of bacterial & viral origin without relapse of symptoms. Cofkam PFS cures primary & secondary complications


Available In  1-litre & 5-litres



  • Excellent Expectorant, Mucolytic, Decongestant, Anti Allergic Bronchodilator & Anti-Microbial activity
  • As a supportive therapy along with specific antimicrobials
  • In prevention & treatment of Coryza, Bronchitis & Fowl Cholera.
  • To relief from symptoms associated with CRD like sniffing, rattling, sneezing, coughing & other signs of respiratory distress


  • Cofkam PFS Powder: 750 gm per ton of feed,
  • Broilers: To be given regularly
  • Layers: To be given regularly or 15 days every month as required
  • Packing:- Powder 5 kg & 25 Kg
  • Liquid: 1-litre & 5-litres